How can we help?

Find information about how and where to buy and spend our gift cards, how to check your online orders, and how to manage your account and personal details.


Frequently asked questions

Get help quickly with some of the most common questions about buying and spending National Book Tokens.


National Book Tokens gift cards and paper vouchers

Gift cards terms and conditions, paper vouchers, faulty gift cards, expired gift cards, and more.


Ordering gift cards online

Delivery options and costs, payment methods, order issues, refunds, and more.


Bookily gift cards

Recurring payments, how to use the online account, adding Bookily to your digital wallet, and more.


My online account

How to update your communication preferences, use your online account, view your gift card orders and more.


For businesses and institutions

Buying in bulk for businesses, discounts, payment options, buying personalised or e-gift cards, and more.


National Book Tokens Discover and competitions

Competitions, events and offers from local bookshops, what you get with National Book Tokens Discover, and more.


For booksellers

Getting help with sales and redemptions, bulk loading, point-of-sale, local marketing and more.


Contact us

If we haven't already answered your question, here's how you can get in touch for more help.

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