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A much needed balm for our busy lives

Win Poetry Prescription books and stunning treats, including a LUSH bath bomb, chocolate bars, and a £50/€60 National Book Token.

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A love story with the pulse of a thriller

A love story with the pulse of a thriller

Win a signed copy of Broken Country, two bottles of wine, and a £50 personalised National Book Token!

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Escape to Sicily with Cathy Kelly

Escape to Sicily with Cathy Kelly

Win a signed copy of Sisterhood, an exclusive beach bag, and a hamper full of Sicilian goodies.

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Discover First: A Family Matter

Discover First: A Family Matter

We're giving 100 booklovers the chance to get a copy of Claire Lynch's book before it's out in May.

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Win a home library bundle for your family!

Win a home library bundle for your family!

We're thrilled to partner with World Book Day to give away five home libraries, including a £50/€60 National Book Token.

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Design a National Book Token is back!

Design a National Book Token is back!

This World Book Day, children can win National Book Tokens for their schools and themselves.

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Win a signed copy of Nesting by Roisin O'Donnell and a stunning framed print of a murmuration of starlings

An unforgettable new voice in fiction

Win a framed print and a signed copy of Nesting by Roisin O'Donnell.

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Win a signed copy of Elly Griffiths' The Frozen People and an engraved pocket watch

Some murders can't be solved in one lifetime...

Win a signed copy of Elly Griffiths' The Frozen People and an engraved pocket watch.

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