Our values

Our vision is of a world where everyone has access to the books they need, and where all readers can access local bookshops.

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We strive to achieve our vision through our continuing support of high street bookshops across the UK and Ireland, our support of reading and literacy charities, and our commitment to diversity and inclusivity.

Beloved by generations, National Book Tokens are the only gift cards you can spend in bookshops across the UK and Ireland, as well as online. We aim to deliver the best experience for our customers: our gift cards don't expire until 8 years after the last use, and we replace all expired cards.

Our values
Supporting bookshops

Supporting high street bookshops

National Book Tokens are the only gift cards that can be bought and spent in bookshops across the UK and Ireland. We celebrate bookshops everywhere and the invaluable role they play in local communities through our support of industry campaigns.

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Supporting reading for pleasure

Supporting reading for pleasure

We've been proud sponsors of World Book Day for almost 30 years. We also support other literary charities and prizes, work with schools to promote reading for pleasure, and invest in high street bookshops.

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8-year expiry

Keeping your money safe: our expiry policy

Did you know that National Book Tokens don't expire for 8 years since last use, including balance checks? And even if you don't use your card for 8 years, we'll replace it. So you can rest assured that your money is safe for when you want to spend it. 

Check an expired card

National Book Tokens Discover, the place to be for booklovers.

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