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41 Huddersfield Road, Holmfirth, West Yorkshire, HD9 3JH

Opening hours

Mon-Fri 10-4, Sat 9.30-4, Sun 11-3


Joanne Burn

From the author of The Hemlock Cure, Joanne Burns' latest novel is The Bone Hunters and we're delighted that she will be visiting the shop for an event to talk all about the book. Tickets are £5 and are redeemable towards a copy of The Bone Hunters on the evening. The event will be held on Thursday 12th June at 7.30pm in our dedicated events space below the shop. Buy your tickets here:

Start date


Offer terms:

Tickets are £5, are nonrefundable and are redeemable against a signed copy of the book at the event.



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