Chorleywood Bookshop
7 New Parade, Whitelands Avenue, Chorleywood, Hertfordshire, WD3 5NJ
Opening hours
Mon-Sat 9.00am-6.00pm; Sun 10.00am-2.00pm

An afternoon with Ruth Jones
Join us for an afternoon with award winning television writer, actor and bestselling author Ruth Jones, who'll be talking about her new novel 'By Your Side'. Tickets available here: https://tickets.mp/ZXZlbnQ6NzA4MA==
Start date
Offer terms:
• Tickets are not refundable unless the event is sold out and can be resold. • Tickets can only be upgraded (to include a book) by visiting or calling the bookshop, up until 1pm the day of the event. Upgrades cannot be purchased online. • Books included with book and ticket options are not exchangeable or refundable