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Discover First: Get one of 100 copies of Graham Norton's Frankie before it hits bookshops

We're giving 100 booklovers the chance to get a copy before it's out in September. 

Frankie by Graham Norton

Ireland, New York, London: Frankie is the new novel from national treasure Graham Norton.

Young Frankie Howe was never quite sure enough of herself to take centre stage. Now old, Frankie finds it easier to forget the life that came before.

Then Damian, a young Irish carer, arrives at her London flat, there to keep an eye on her as she recovers from a fall. A memory is sparked, and the past crackles into life as Damian listens to the story Frankie has kept stored away all these years.

Frankie shares a world in which friendship and chance encounters collide. A place where, for a while, life blazes with an intensity that can't last but will perhaps live on in other ways and in other people.

Frankie is a dazzling, decades-sweeping novel about love, bravery and what it means to live a significant life.

Read the first chapter

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